Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Appliances To Energy Star

By tony / April 4, 2018

TIP! To save money on your electric bills, simply try to minimize the electricity you use. When you are not using certain appliances, unplug them until you are ready to use them again.

It can be simpler than you thought to cut down on the resources you use in your home. If you make some small changes, and even a big one or two, you can lower your environmental impact and save a lot of money. Get great ideas on how to start as you read the article below.

TIP! Use solar-powered lamps for outdoor lighting. Not only are these lamps cheap, but they only need power from the sun.

Use a solar water heater to keep your pools, tubs and plumbing full of piping hot, but cheap, water. Solar water heaters use the sun’s energy to heat water resulting in energy savings. Although some of these systems cost more initially, many qualify for tax credits or deductions.

TIP! Instead of blasting the air conditioner to keep cool in summer, wear clothes made from naturally cooling fabrics. Fabrics, such as cotton, draw moisture naturally from the skin, making it cooler.

Wear lightweight, natural fabric during the summer instead of running your air conditioner. Cotton and similar fabrics will draw moisture from your skin, so you will stay cool. If you wear lighter colors, you will also feel cooler than if you wore black or another dark color.

TIP! Are you lucky enough to own a farm? If you or someone you know does, you can rent a piece of your land to a company looking to put in a wind turbine. You will benefit from the wind turbine’s free energy and it will take up minimal space.

Do you own a farm? If you do happen to own some farmland, try renting some of the land to a power company that specializes in wind energy solutions. You will benefit from the wind turbine’s free energy and it will take up minimal space.

TIP! Take the time to clean or replace your furnace every season. Monthly checks will assure your furnace never has to work hard.

Consider installing a solar water heating system. If you live where freezing temperatures aren’t prevalent, you can purchase a system that can circulate water via a solar heater prior to being pumped to your home. Don’t get rid of your conventional water heater though; you may need it if it’s cloudy when you’re ready to use hot water.

TIP! Wash clothes with cold water, as much as you can. The vast majority of the energy you use for washing clothes is needed to heat the water.

During the summer, you should try drying your clothes out in the sun instead of using a dryer. The sun gives your clothes a great smell. They will smell fresher than if you used the dryer. You can also save money on your energy bills.

TIP! A good benchmark to use when determining how much power a new solar system is likely to generate is the number of hours of sunlight in the winter. This prevents any unanticipated effects from a winter months, and it keeps you ahead of the game for summer months.

Turn off appliances if you are not using them. When you are ready to leave a room, go around and turn off appliances such as computers, televisions, and most importantly, the overhead light. Use power strips for home electronics. As well, turn this off when you’re not using your electronics. Products in standby mode still waste power.

TIP! You can increase the energy efficiency of your home by buying energy saving products. There are a variety of products, including eco-friendly doors and double-glazed windows that will make your home run far more efficiently.

When putting in a new solar energy system, the batteries that store the power should be kept really close together to the cells. This procedure guards against power loss as energy travels through the cable. It will also minimize the possibility of a cable shading out the cells and lowering their generation capability.

TIP! If you are on the fence about whether to invest money in green energy for your home, have your existing equipment examined by professional plumbers or HVAC experts. They can advise you about how much inefficient appliances cause you to lose financially, and they can estimate the price of upgrading or simply replacing your old systems.

Take time to make sure to properly maintain the fridge. Your fridge consumes a ton of energy, so make sure it’s in good shape. Be sure that you’re regularly cleaning the dust that builds up near the heating coils. Also, make sure that the seal around the door is clean and tight.

Storm Windows

TIP! Biofuels can be used to heat your home. Bio-fuels consist of vegetable fat, animal fat, oils and wood.

Storm doors and storm windows help to better control air flow in the home. Storm windows are good at cutting down on the cool air that tries to get in. Energy efficiency increases by 45% in houses that contain stormed windows and doors, which could save you lots of money when it comes to electricity.

TIP! Carpooling is a great way to save energy for transportation needs, even if your trip is to the mall or an after-school event. Kids can also form carpools to school by alternating parents days.

If you can afford it, invest in a laptop rather than using a desktop as they tend to use more energy. Making this switch can reduce your power consumption by up to 75%. This is especially true if you are an Internet addict or do heavy word processing. Additionally, you can carry a laptop with you, so it’s possible to use it wherever you want.

TIP! Always maintain modern, energy-efficient windows at home. There are several benefits in using these windows, including a decrease in energy bills and less condensation on the windows.

Monitor your electricity consumption watt by watt. If you do not know the formula to figure out the energy each appliance uses, there are tools like a Kill-A-Watt that can give you the information instantly. Plug your appliance or gadget into the watt-checking device, and it will tell you how much the unit consumes in energy in one hour, month or year. With that information, you will be able to calculate how much that appliance costs to operate.

TIP! Weatherize your home, and it will become more energy-efficient. You can greatly reduce your home’s energy by sealing ducts, installing energy efficient windows, and adding insulation.

Think about the ideas provided in this article, and try to come up with a way to implement them in your home. Your energy bills will go down and the good you are doing for your environment will increase. Take small steps and soon you will be entirely relying on green energies!

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