Using Naturally Sustainable Building Materials In Your New Home Or Addition

By tony / May 5, 2019

TIP! Solar water heating is a great way to decrease the expense of heating water used for showers and swimming pools. Using natural gas and electricity is certainly the norm, but it’s not very energy efficient.

Keeping a home that is green is a great way to ensure the environment is protected, while also helping to lower your own energy costs. Purchasing an electric car is not necessary for this to occur. Read this article for some simple ways to make your home more energy efficient on any budget.

TIP! Do your best to keep your windows shaded from any sunlight. Additionally, curtains and blinds can enhance the energy-saving effect you achieve.

Reduce your energy consumption by unplugging anything that is not in use, especially battery chargers. Many chargers for various electronics continue to draw electricity even if they are not plugged into a device. The energy usage is not as high, but it wastes electricity and adds up to a considerable amount over time.

TIP! You might be able to get a government grant to finance your green energy installation. Speak with the government in your area about these programs.

Are you the owner of a farm? If you do happen to own some farmland, try renting some of the land to a power company that specializes in wind energy solutions. This will provide you with free energy with only a small space investment.

TIP! When not using things, turn them off. When you leave a room, switch off the lights, computer or T.

Use windows covering for when you’re not home. The result will be a cooler house because the window’s admit less heat. Pay particular attention to covering the windows on the south side of your house. They typically admit the most sun. Dark curtains, roller or roman shades can cover windows well.

TIP! When a home has stormed windows and doors, air flows better. Storm doors and windows stop drafts from letting in so much cold air.

Keep your refrigerator well maintained. Because refrigerators use so much energy, it really pays to keep them working as efficiently as possible. Make sure to clean heating coils often. Check the door seal for dirt, debris and leaks.

Storm Doors

TIP! Investigate options for heating your oven through solar energy. You can make these with boxes, old windows or old pieces of foil that can be used for reflection.

Storm doors and windows help control air flow into a home. Storm doors and windows lessen the amount of cold air drafts that come in. If you use storm doors or windows, you can save at least 45 percent on your electricity bills.

TIP! Monitor how many watts you use. If you do not know the formula to figure out the energy each appliance uses, there are tools like a Kill-A-Watt that can give you the information instantly.

Replace a water heater that is tank-style, with a model that is green and has no tank. Although tankless heaters require electricity or gas to heat water, they only do this on the amount you need as opposed to storing it in a large tank that is kept hot all the time. There are tankless heaters that can supply just one single faucet with water that is hot, but there are also models which supply the whole home.

TIP! Instead of using standard lights for your next holiday season, make sure to use LED lights to decorate your tree and home. LED’s have been shown to save a significant amount of energy.

Unless cold temperatures become a real problem, it is better to keep the heat turned down. If you’re chilly, add a layer of clothing, such as a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. When you keep the heat unnecessarily high you use far more energy than you need to–and that is expensive!

TIP! Carpool so you can use less fuel. Set up carpooling with other parents to get the kids to soccer practice or band camp.

There is a lot you can do to change your lifestyle and live in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. Simply cleaning filters in the furnace and setting temperatures lower can help! Cutting your water heater temperature down to 120 degrees is another way to conserve energy and see smaller utility bills. Each step you take, no matter how small, will count!

Billion Kilowatt

TIP! If you are purchasing new appliances, try to aim for Energy Star rated ones. To receive an Energy Star rating from the government, appliances must meet minimum efficiency standards, unlike the non-rated appliances you may currently own.

LED lights should be used during the next holiday season. Over two billion kilowatt power hours can be saved! One study conducted by the Department of Energy found that if everyone in the U.S. switched to these lights, more than two billion kilowatt hours worth of power would be saved. This amount could actually power around 200,000 homes for a whole year. If nothing else, you can cut down your power bill!

TIP! Put lights sensors with motion detectors in the rooms you use the most. These motion sensor lights will turn off lights in rooms that are not in use automatically, which in turn, will save you money with your energy bills.

A home heating alternative to be considered is biofuel. Biofuels are usually composed of vegetable fats, animal fats, wood and oil. You can hire a professional to adjust your propane furnace to be capable of using any type of fuel you desire. Most furnaces use between 20 to 99% bio-diesel fuels. Make sure you consult an energy professional before using biofuels in your home.

TIP! Putting the temperature to 60 degrees when you’re sleeping or away from home is a great energy-saving tip. At this temperature, your home will use as little energy as possible.

Try using a carpool if you want to reduce fuel consumption. Talk with other parents and try to arrange a carpool schedule so that you all take turns driving your kids to school. If you are located close to other families, agree to do your grocery shopping at the same time and rotate who drives each week.

TIP! If you want to transform your home into a “green home,” the iconic way to do this is by installing solar panels. Do not be discouraged by the initial high investment costs, as you will recoup that money in the form of monthly energy savings.

A few examples of energy efficient changes you can make at home are changing your furnace’s filter on schedule, installing CFL bulbs and using a programmable thermostat. Once other people see how easy going green is, they will want to go green too. Use the advice you’ve learned here and start saving money and the planet today!

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