What There Is To Know About Organic Horticulture

By tony / May 4, 2018

TIP! Your first and best line of defense against pests is having healthy soil. Healthy soil encourages vigorous plant growth and makes your garden more resistant to common diseases and insects.

Starting right now, you can get going with your own garden. You might have some questions on where to start, but don’t worry, the article below will help with lots of useful information. The tips mentioned in this article will help you as you get started!

TIP! Plant a variety of flowers to keep your flower garden colorful and interesting. Annuals and biennials can add excitement and interest to your flower garden every season.

Transplanting plants and bringing them indoors can protect them from harsh winters. Maybe you’d like to save the most expensive plants you have or the most resistant. Dig carefully around the roots and transfer the plants to a pot.

TIP! Do a soil analysis prior to planting. You can obtain a soil analysis for a nominal fee.

Try dividing the irises. You can increase the number of irises you have by splitting clumps that are overgrown. When the foliage dies it’s time to lift the bulbous irises out of the ground. The bulbs will split up naturally in your hand, and when replanted, will often flower the next year. Cut rhizomes into pieces with a knife. Cut new pieces from the outside and discard the old center. Make sure that every cutting contains a viable offshoot. Set your cuttings into the ground right away.

TIP! Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is essential to the growth of plants because of its role in photosynthesis. Plants tend to grow better when the CO2 levels are higher.

When deciding on which plants to include in your landscaping projects, consider evergreens which produce colorful berries. This gives your garden a bit of a “splash” of color, even in winter when everything is nearly colorless. Some evergreens that will add life to your yard in the wintertime are the American Cranberrybush, Common Snowberry, Winterberry, and American holly.

Spectrum Pesticides

TIP! Use bulbs to ensure continuous flowers throughout the spring and summer. Bulbs are one of the easiest plants to grow and are hardy perennials that return each year.

Don’t use broad-spectrum pesticides in the garden. Broad-spectrum pesticides not only kill pests, but also “good” bugs like ground beetles that eat pests. Beneficial insects are more susceptible to strong pesticides than the insects you are actually trying to get rid of. This will lead you to end up killing off the good bugs in your garden, leaving the field wide open for the harmful ones. This will cause a cycle to start where you will need to keep increasing the amount of pesticide you are using.

TIP! Prepare your seeds by soaking them in a dark environment. Soak the seeds by placing them in a container where they are covered with water.

Be smart about how you water your garden. A soaker hose is a great way to water all of the plants at once, and will save you a lot of time. Keep the soaker’s water pressure at a low level, so that your tender plants will not be harmed. Letting the soaker hose do the work frees you up to turn your attention elsewhere.

TIP! When you go to mow your lawn, make sure you don’t mow it too closely to the ground. By leaving your grass a little taller, you are allowing it to become stronger, as the roots grow stronger and deeper.

Avoid getting an infection by not allowing dirt and other chemicals to get into open wounds. If an open wound is not protected while you are working in the garden, dirt and bacteria may cause the cut to become infected. You can completely seal the area using some of the great bandages that are now available.

TIP! To keep pests away, you can use plants in the garden or other natural materials. For example, slugs can be deterred by the presence of marigolds or onions.

Do not be in a rush when you plant your seeds. Begin by adding moisture to the soil. Then distribute the seeds so that they are evenly spaced and have sufficient room to grow. Bury them 3 times as deep in relation to the seed’s size. There are some seeds that require light to grow, so they must not be buried.

TIP! Try planting berry-bearing evergreens in your yard. The evergreens will add some color to your garden or yard, especially during the winter, when other plants have died or lost color.

If you are starting your seedlings out in small containers, you should use a layer of potting soil that is three times as deep as the size of a single seed. Certain seeds are an exception to that rule, since they require sunlight to germinate, so they should be barely covered or not at all. Among the seeds meeting this definition are ageratum and petunias. If you are wondering whether or not the seeds require direct sunlight, you can usually find helpful information online that will answer your question.

TIP! Prevent damage from the sun by making sure you dress correctly whenever you go outside to garden. Sunglasses, a nice shady hat, and sunscreen are very helpful.

While it’s harder to grow organically than chemically, the rewards are much better. While chemicals offer an easy solution to many common horticulture problems, the organic method is far healthier for you and everyone you share your food with.

TIP! Before planting your favorite perennials, you must first prepare the ground. Only a garden spade and woods chips are necessary.

Overall, a layer of mulch is beneficial for the soil. A couple of inches of mulch will protect what lies beneath it. It prevents soil temperature from getting too warm on hot, sunny days, which protects your plants’ roots. The soil will also stay moist longer because it reduces evaporation. It also doubles as weed control.

TIP! Coat your flower beds with a few inches of an organic mulch. Mulching helps to hold moisture in the soil, enhance the soil quality, and slow down the growth of weeds.

After reading this article, you should feel better about starting your gardening journey. It is amazing how much you can learn, even after thinking that you were pretty knowledgeable. These tips should help get you going in the right direction so that your garden is extremely successful.

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