Green Energy and You: Tips On How To Make Positive Changes

By tony / March 26, 2019

TIP! To reduce energy usage, sahe your windows to keep out sunlight. You could also try putting in curtains or blinds.

It does not have to be difficult, expensive or take a lot of time to go green. Simply making a few changes to your home can cut electricity costs, and offer numerous benefits to the environment. Keep reading to discover how green energy can be used for your advantage, as well as making a permanent positive impact on the environment.

TIP! Solar panels can be easily installed on your home and are used to collect energy from the sun for use in your home. Before you do this though, you need to think about a few things first.

When creating lightning outdoors for a garden path or patio, consider using solar-powered lamps. They don’t use any energy other than solar energy and they are cost effective. This not only reduces energy costs, You also don’t need to hang lights or wires outdoors.

TIP! Reduce your energy consumption by unplugging anything that is not in use, especially battery chargers. Chargers for laptops, mp3 players, cell phones and other devices use power when they’re plugged in.

Use solar heating systems to heat all your water in order to save money. Traditional gas and electricity are not that efficient, but solar-powered water heaters glean the sun’s natural energy to maintain even temperatures. Some of these upgrades, while more expensive up-front, may qualify for green energy tax deductions.

TIP! If you use fuel to heat your home, ask a professional about using biodiesel instead. Sometimes you can make the switch to some use of biodiesel fuels without having to purchase new parts or make costly modifications.

You can conserve energy by shading your windows from sunlight. Shading the windows with curtains and blinds will keep out the sun in summer and keep the heat from escaping in winter. Both of these adjustments can help you cut back on using the air conditioner, since your house will remain cooler. You will save energy and money as well.

TIP! When away from home, cover the windows. This allows your home to be kept cool when you aren’t there, and in addition, it helps keep energy costs down.

If your home is heated with fuel oil, ask a technician if you can switch to biodiesel. You might even find that you can switch your system to partial biodiesel without having to purchase parts or hire a contractor to perform modifications. Biodiesel is a better fuel because it has a cleaner burn and is more efficient.

TIP! When planning a home solar system, calculate the potential energy generation of the system using hours of sunshine in the winter. This will ensure that you are not caught short during winter, and you have excess during the summer.

When not at home, use window coverings. This keeps your home cooler naturally, reducing the strain on your air conditioner and saving energy. Windows that face south tend to get more sun due to their orientation. When possible, however, cover all of your windows with special shades like roller shades, roman shades or dark, thick curtains.

TIP! When installing solar panels, ensure that the energy-storing batteries are installed as close to the cells as possible. This makes sure power is not lost somewhere in the cable.

Consider solar water heaters to make your home more energy efficient. Best for locations with a warmer climate, a solar water heater uses the sun’s energy to heat water that circulates through it. Though you can use this system, it’s best to have a regular water heater for backup purposes, just in case there is a day with little sunlight or more water usage than normal.

TIP! Help to control the air flow in your own home by installing a storm door and storm windows too. These kinds of doors and windows reduces the amount of cold air that comes into the home.

During the hot summer months, hang clothes outside rather than tossing them in the dryer. The smell of clothes dried in the fresh air cannot be topped. Your clothes will smell fresher when dried naturally rather than in the dryer. You will also have lower utility bills.

TIP! Swap out your tank water heater for a tankless type. Tankless water heaters still require power to heat the water, but they heat only the water that you want to use, rather than heating a tank of water that you’re not always using.

Take time to maintain your fridge properly. Refrigerators take up lots of energy, so making sure they’re in working order is always good to know. Vacuum the coils frequently to remove the dust that can build up and reduce efficiency. It’s important to check that the seal is tight and clean around the refrigerator door.

Degrees Warmer

TIP! If you don’t know what changes to make, consider having a heating expert or plumber come to your home and give you a list of changes you can make to cut your energy costs. They’ll tell you the amount you’re losing due to inefficiency, and they will provide estimates on the cost to upgrade.

Dress more warmly to be green and reduce energy costs. You will feel 2 degrees warmer with a light sweater, and 4 degrees warmer with a heavy one. Add a hat, scarf and gloves for even more warmth. The more layers you wear at home, the less energy you will need to use heating your house.

TIP! Have your friends and business associates contact you via email rather than snail mail. Don’t use paper whenever you can afford to do so.

Buy energy saving materials to help save energy in your home. Insulated double-pane windows and eco-friendly doors are especially effective for saving energy. You will also cut down on the cost to heat and cool your home by implementing these products into your life.

TIP! One easy way to go green is to use an on-demand water heater. Traditional water heaters constantly keep a full tank of water hot, which sits idle until it is used.

A solar oven is a great consideration if you are an avid baker. A solar oven is very easy to make. All you need is a window, a piece of foil and a sturdy box. Solar ovens can get hotter than 300 degrees, and doesn’t use any energy source besides the sun, so you are reducing your carbon footprint and saving money.

TIP! Upgrade your home’s electronics and appliances to save yourself some cash in the future. Using energy efficient gadgets and appliances will save you money on your energy bill, which adds up from month to month to equal greater savings for you.

There is a lot you can do to change your lifestyle and live in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. While you might not have much money to spend on going green, you can begin by cleaning up furnace filters every month and set the heat to 60 degrees when you aren’t home. Keep the water heater temperature around 120 degrees and save energy costs. Even the smallest amount of effort can help.

TIP! Energy efficient appliances have Energy Star logos. Any appliance that has an ENERGY STAR logo meets guidelines for the U.

Switch your toilets to one of the newer, water-saving varieties. Toilets account for approximately 50 percent of water usage in the average home. An older model toilet uses a lot more water than a water-saving one, 5 gallons versus 1.6 gallons, almost 70 percent more.

TIP! Attach solar panels to the roof of your home to make it greener. Solar panels are a large investment, but the savings you will enjoy by using solar energy will make up for the extra expenditure.

Green energy can benefit anyone, whether they think global warming is real or not. Simple changes, like turning off the overhead lights when leaving a room, can add up to huge utility bill savings.

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