Tired Of Chemicals? Grow An Organic Garden With These Tips

By tony / February 27, 2018

TIP! So that you don’t shock your plants, try gradually accustoming them to conditions and temperature. When starting the transition, leave the plants in the sun for just 1-2 hours.

Organic gardens can be vital to your healthy diet, but knowing about them and purchasing the proper equipment can be difficult. There are hundreds of different seeds at your disposal. The following article will provide you with advice that will help you create your dream organic garden.

TIP! Clay soil can be a real pain to work with as it often sticks to the end of the shovel. Rub a thin layer of floor or car wax over the surface of the shovel, and then buff the surface using a clean cloth.

Try not to cause shock to your plants by gradually changing their conditions and temperature. Put them out in the sun for approximately one to two hours on the very first day. Over the week, try gradually increasing the time they’re left outside. By the end of the week, your plants should be ready to make the big move with no problem!

TIP! Select plants that produce a relatively high yield. A lot of times a hybrid that will tolerate cold weather or disease will give you a higher output than heirlooms.

Beginning your garden with healthy soil is your first defense against pests! Healthy soil equals healthy plants and healthy plants can fight off diseases with ease. Begin with a high-quality soil with less chemicals to avoid salt accumulation, and you give your garden an excellent chance of growing healthy plants.

TIP! Try growing some cat grass or wheat grass in the vicinity of the plants that your cat likes to eat. You can also try to offend the cats sense of smell with orange rinds or mothballs.

Do not mow your lawn too short. If you let your grass keep some height after mowing, it will be able to absorb more sun and moisture resulting in a lusher, greener lawn. The shorter the grass is, the shorter the roots are, which leads to a dry lawn.

Coffee Grounds

TIP! If you find that you have soil that has high amounts of alkaline, mix used coffee grounds throughout the soil. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to increase the acid content back into the soil.

If your soil has high alkaline amounts, mix some coffee grounds into it. Using coffee grounds is a low-cost way to increase the acidity of the soil. This simple act can lead to vegetables that taste better and look more appealing.

TIP! Take extra care of any fragile shrubs that are known to drop their leaves in the autumn. Any potted shrubs should be sheltered in the winter from cold weather.

Try “boiling” weeds to get rid of them. Boiling water is a safe herbicide which won’t damage your garden or your body. Just pour out the water on the weeds being careful to avoid any nearby plants. This can cause enough damage to the roots of any plant to kill it.

TIP! If your garden requires a lot of low work, then save yourself some strain by investing in knee pads. The amount of time that you spend gardening on your knees can make your knees hurt by the time you are done.

Keep your plants dry and aerated daily. Moisture on plants is sure to attract disease and parasites. Fungi is the most common parasite for plants. Fungicidal spray treatments can contain fungi, but spraying prior to problems even developing in the first place is the best way to go about it.


Pouring the excess water from your dinner of steamed veggies on them can help. Tea and coffee grounds can be used to add acidity to your soil for plants like gardenias and rhododendrons. Chamomile tea applied to plants can be an effective remedy for fungus problems.

TIP! When gardening, don’t use any broad-spectrum pesticides. These types of pesticides also kill the beneficial insects that eat the pests.

For visual interest, make one plant a focal point of your garden. Your focal point will be the main center of attention for anyone who sees your garden. Frequently, it will be a plant that’s very different from others in the neighborhood.

TIP! Be efficient when working in your garden. Don’t waste thirty minutes looking around for a tool.

Vegetables are softer when they are warmer, increasing the risk that you will damage them. For vegetables growing on vines, cut them carefully rather than twisting them off to avoid damage to the plant.

TIP! Consider the climate and season when watering your plants. The amount of water needed will change based on time of the day, the content of your municipal water and what your soil make-up is.

Try to plant an English garden with a mix of plants with different heights, all within the same garden bed. Using plants that all grow the same height result in a flat and uniform looking bed.

TIP! Grow your plants in different areas of the garden every year. When similar plants are planted in pretty much the same spot every single year, this can cause fungal and disease growth.

When horticulture, remember to take care of your knees! Many people experience back pain and stiffness from bending over and working in the garden for extended amounts of time. Due to this, most people choose to garden while on their knees, which also makes it easier to tend to plants. Many types of gardening pads and cushions are available so that avid gardeners can kneel for longer periods of time without experiencing knee pain.

TIP! It only takes a few steps to create a new garden area for perennials. Use a spade to slice beneath the turf and flip it.

To be more efficient when working in your organic garden, have your tools close at hand. You can make use of a bucket, or wear pants that have plenty of pockets. Have shears, a trowel, gloves and other commonly used garden tools portable and easy to access.

TIP! You need to mulch your garden with about three inches of material that is organic. This will add nutrients to your soil, keep it moist, stop the growth of weeds and keep the garden looking beautiful.

An organic garden provides many benefits to your health, so understanding the various plants and options you can grow is crucial. Apply the tips you just read to start your garden to save money and eat healthier foods.

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